
Mar 2024

Breaking Down Stress Management

I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Marcela on Coffee Can't Fix Everything. Marcella, a multifaceted individual juggling roles as a mother, business owner, wife, and HR professional, shares her insights on managing stress, personal growth, and the art of being one’s authentic self.

Embracing the Journey Through Self-Reflection

Marcela’s journey of self-discovery and stress management is nothing short of inspirational. About five years ago, she embarked on a path of introspection, utilizing tools like journaling and yoga to anchor her thoughts and emotions. This practice enabled her to identify triggers and adopt a more centered approach to life’s challenges. She highlights the importance of narrative, suggesting that the stories we tell ourselves can either cage us in a perpetual state of stress or liberate us with a growth mindset.

The Power of NO

One of the most striking aspects of our conversation was the emphasis on the power of saying no. In a society that often equates busyness with productivity, Marcela’s decision to align her commitments with her goals for 2024 is a testament to her wisdom and maturity. She recounted a tempting invitation to join Dancing with the Stars Des Moines, which she initially accepted. However, upon reflection, she recognized that it did not serve her objectives for the year, highlighting the importance of prioritization and the courage to decline opportunities that do not align with one’s path.

Navigating Professional Spaces as a Person of Color

Marcela’s narrative takes a poignant turn as she delves into the complexities of navigating professional spaces as a person of color. Her reflections on the need to sometimes be “twice as good” resonates deeply with the experiences of many in minority communities. She emphasizes the importance of mentorship, not just in ascending professionally but in learning the art of delegation and uplifting others as a form of empowerment.

Cultivating Authenticity

Perhaps the most profound takeaway from our discussion was the emphasis on authenticity. Marcela eloquently describes the liberation that comes with being one’s true self, particularly in professional settings. This authenticity, she argues, is not just about personal comfort but about maximizing one’s potential and contributions to any given space. Her journey towards embracing her authentic self, accentuated by the symbolic act of wearing Air Force Ones with slacks, serves as a powerful metaphor for breaking the molds we are often constrained by.

A Mentor’s Guide to Managing Stress

As a seasoned professional in human resources, Marcela offers invaluable advice on managing stress, particularly for leaders. She stresses the importance of understanding one’s current and desired states and navigating the gap between them through strategic questioning and self-awareness. Her approach underscores the significance of introspection and planning in mitigating stress.

Strength in self-awareness

Our conversation with Marcela not only sheds light on effective stress management techniques but also paints a broader picture of personal development and resilience. In a world where authenticity and self-care are often overshadowed by the demands of daily life, Marcela’s story is a reminder of the strength that lies in self-awareness, the power of no, and the courage to embrace one’s true self. As we navigate our journeys, let her insights serve as a beacon, guiding us toward a path of less stress and more fulfillment.

The latest episode of "Coffee Can't Fix Everything" with Marcela, available for viewing here on YouTube and for listening on all major platforms, delves deep into this topic, providing listeners with invaluable insights and actionable advice.